Using Turmeric for Weight Loss

How the “Golden Spice” Helps You Lose Weight & Keep it Off

turmeric for weight loss

Known as the “Golden Spice”, turmeric has been used as a medicinal and therapeutic herb dating back as far as 4000 yrs. In Southeast Asia, turmeric is used to treat inflammation, promote digestive health, and increase one's energy levels. The benefits of curcumin (the active compound in turmeric) are widespread and include applications for skin irritation, arthritis relief, heart health, and digestive assistance due to its anti-inflammatory and high antioxidant properties. And, while losing some extra pounds probably wasn’t a top priority for most people 4000 years ago, the use of turmeric for weight loss has been well-documented over the centuries.

Turmeric has shown to be effective in weight loss trials by suppressing inflammation markers that are seen in those with excess weight. People having difficulty losing weight have had significant improvements while adding turmeric as a dietary supplement, including lowering BMI (body mass index), body weight as a whole, and especially shedding fat around the waist/hip areas. Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric for weight loss, increases levels of nutrient absorption in conjunction with black pepper, up to 2,000%. In addition, turmeric can increase metabolism and boost energy levels. That means you can actually eat less, feel fuller, and get more nutrition from your diet.

turmeric helps keep you full and absorb more nutrients

According to Forbes health “[i]n small clinical trials, curcumin reduced major depression and, in some cases, relieved anxiety in study subjects.” It is widely known that anxiety and depression can lead to weight gain and low energy levels making it difficult to motivate. Turmeric reduces these while adding natural enhancements that aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism, providing that much-needed energy so the body can work its own magic. Turmeric is even being applied in sports and is shown to aid in reducing muscle soreness after working out, a primary hurdle for many people who want to work out but can’t afford the painful recovery.

Ok, so turmeric for weight loss works. Now how can you conveniently and enjoyably add it to your diet?

Turmeric alone can aid in weight loss, but it is important to take full advantage of the “Golden Spice” by making sure it is combined with other beneficial ingredients such as ginger and black pepper to ensure the best results. Taking pills can be an easy option but it’s not for everyone, so Squeeze Dried has developed another option that isn’t just easy but delicious as well. Squeeze Dried combines the nutritional balance of turmeric and black pepper with an orange citrus flavor in a refreshing formula that anyone can enjoy. Cut out the sugar and caffeine and enjoy a flavorful drink that improves health and weight loss.

With Squeeze Dried you can hydrate and lose weight from anywhere and on the go with flavorful drink powders. Just pour into 8 oz of water, stir, and enjoy. You can jump right in with Squeeze Dried Turmeric powdered mixes or pills, or try the sample pack to get a taste of all the weight loss and health-promoting flavors for only $5. Get a jump start on a healthier life and enjoy it without the hassle.

Try Squeeze Dried today... the only thing you have to lose is the weight!


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