Functional Beverages For You

Functional Beverages Built For You

Healthy drinks, immunity shots and popular functional beverages don’t have to cost you $8 for one serving and taste horrible. YOU are the reason that drinks are shifting from sugar filled water and moving to a drink that can offer you just a little bit more. 

What is a functional beverage?

Functional beverages are defined as products that offer health benefits beyond basic nutritional factors. Rather than building around flavors and fake ingredients, functional healthy drinks shoot to deliver benefits such as healing your gut, vitamins and minerals, energy boosters and more. Just like we do at Squeeze Dried 😊

The most common functional beverages are coffee and tea which have been consumed for thousands of years across multiple continents. 

Common Ingredients for Functional Beverages include:


These gut health power houses one of the most important ingredients in keeping your body running at 100%. Apple Cider Vinegar is packed with Probiotics that can help to add additional healthy bacteria.


Adaptogens are generally herbal ingredients such as turmeric and ginger. These herbal remedies are commonly used for flavors as well as stress reduction and other amazing properties. 


Botanicals are often extracted and sought after for being “natural ingredients” which can be sued for flavors and a wide range of benefits. 

Why Squeeze Dried?

When building Squeeze Dried, we understood the idea that the more natural ingredients we use, the more functions we can offer. We have accomplished this across our entire product line and the best part is they come with a great taste and at half the cost. 

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